Nightlife shooting is not easy…

Think it is all just fun and parties when I go out and shoot nightlife stories? It is fun and rewarding, but it is not a party when I’m on the clock, and it is not always easy. Just like any other shoot, there are a lot of variables that can go wrong…

I’m at a new club every weekend, shooting it for a story/feature/review and I need to get good action images. Things that show what the place might look like to any of the readers, if they decided to go. However, sometimes bar owners and managers have their own agenda. They try to steer me towards certain areas of the club, even if that’s not what the writer is focusing on. Sometimes they are worried about a bad review and can be uncooperative – forcing me to spend thirty extra minutes just getting permission to shoot inside. Sometimes, the bar owner is a media hog and tries to get in EVERY photo, making it hard to get the shots I need.
But that’s not the only issue. Because so many factors effect the nightclubs, some have been open and running when the story was assigned, only to close down for good on the day before or day of my shoot. That happened this last weekend and the writer called me to scramble for a back-up club to visit. Then, at the back-up club, the owner was hesitant to let us in for a review and photo shoot, so it took twice as long to complete.
Of course, there is always the safety factor. I’m carrying around expensive equipment around drunk people, on dark streets, late at night. Drunks could easily bump into you or fall on you and break something expensive – like a flash or lens.
And theft… I’m lucky, but I know people who have lost all their photo gear when someone broke into their car right before or after a shoot. I know several bar managers and musicians who have been mugged late at night. Makes the job a little more scary than fun.
Then of course, there is the problem of getting correct names to go in the cutline. The cutline, the info right under the picture, usually has the person’s name, like “Mr. So and So dances at X Club in Dallas, TX, on Saturday, blah, blah, blah.” Well, drunk people in loud clubs are not the best people to get properly spelled, accurate identification from. Some slur their words, some try to give fake names, and some are so drunk they can’t remember their name.
And let’s not forget this:
There are ALWAY drunk people who grab at you, stop you and yell, “Hey! Camera guy! Take MY picture!!!” The images are often very funny and/or embarrassing, but not what I came for. They just slow me down, but what can you do?!? I can’t just tell them to get lost. It causes less trouble If I just take the picture and smile.
I’m not complaining or whining. I like shooting nightlife. I’m just letting you know there are a lot of things to deal with when I go out. It’s not all champagne and caviar as I randomly point my camera and pop my flash. Nope, I’m out there working… and enjoying the feeling of capturing such a vibrant part of society on film (well, virtual film).

Sick can’t stop you…

I got sick this week. Some sort of cold or flu or something… whatever it is, I don’t like it. It has slowed me down, but it hasn’t stopped me from working. I still went out yesterday and shot photos of a former Dallas Cowboys player who was indicted in federal court. Today I still had to shoot Dallas area radio personality Gordon Keith for an upcoming cover of Quick. And the weekend is full of shoots – tonight, Saturday morning and all evening on Sunday.

I still have bills to pay. As a freelance photographer, I don’t have the luxury of calling my boss and taking a sick day. I will admit that I took yesterday off from marketing. I normally try to contact a couple new/potential clients every work day, but I didn’t have a clear enough head to pitch my services. Today I had to play catch-up, and even though I’m still sick, I felt good enough to start contacting businesses again.
That’s how it is when you want to be a full time freelancer. It can be very rewarding, but it really is full time. No paid vacation. No sick days. Just shooting pictures and contacting clients… but I love it!

Mexico border town photos, round two…

I decided to dig up a few more images from old trips to the Mexican border towns. These have never been shown before and are probably five to seven years old. same story as the other shot in the previous post – the street children of Progresso, working to make what little money they can.

Canon 5D mkII vs a street preacher…

On my way to a nightclub shoot last weekend, I spotted this man preaching. I found it fascinating how strong his determination was, as drunk club hoppers passed by him in the middle of the night…

This was shot with a stock Canon 5DmkII, 16-35mm 2.8L series lens, racked out to 16mm, shutter speed was 1/30 sec, probably wide open 2.8f aperture and around 3200 iso (for all you tech nerds). Don’t hold me to those exact numbers, though. I’m going off my memory from several nights ago – but it’s close.

Portraits from a Mexican border town…

I used to travel to the border towns of Mexico every year, and I would get some pretty interesting images. It has been several years since I last went. Much of the shooting was done during my college years, so the work might not be as strong as the stuff I do today. However, I bet there are still a few good images in the bunch.
I still really like this one, shot somewhere around ten years ago. I used to go down there with my Russian 6×6 TLR and shoot a whole pile of medium format film. There were all sorts of wonderful people walking around. This image is from the town of Progresso. It is filled with young street musicians, like the boy below…

Canon EOS 7D…

Well, it looks like the rumors are no longer rumors. Canon has officially announced the 7D, which appears to be a combo of the 50D and the 5DmkII, with a few new bonus features thrown in. Will I be getting a 7D? No, I don’t have much need for one. However, there are a few features that make it very desirable.

Wireless flash ability built right in? That’s a very cool feature! Now you can trigger your Speedlight without extra adaptors or wires/cords. 100% viewfinder is also a big plus, as is the 8 fps shooting speed! Not too bad… It makes me anxious to see the 5DmkIII that will surely hit stores in the next year or two.

Shooting grass…

Have you ever thought about doing a photo study on… grass?!? I met Matt Nager when he took an internship at the Dallas Morning News. Over the years, I’ve watched him grow, becoming a darn good photog, someone I can actually look to for inspiration. Like this:

Who would’ve ever thought that a photo study on grasses would turn out so interesting and engaging?

Photo books…

There are several good photo book companies available to choose from, and I just found another company that looks promising for wedding books. Long gone is the idea of the “wedding album” full of pictures. Now everyone wants a real, regular book, with pictures printed right on the pages – not matted 5×7 prints on display in a big, bound album.

So, has anyone used for this service yet? Their product looks pretty good from their website. I wonder if it looks as god in person? What are some of the book making companies you’ve had success with? I’ve heard mixed reviews about blurb and rave reviews about asuka. Which ones have you used so far?