Words to live by…

As I sit here late at night, printing my newest portfolio, I am reminded of how true this is:  

I always say that editing will make or break you.  I always say that less is more.  I have sixteen images in my print portfolio.  I have thought that I might have a few too many images on my website, but as the link points out, it is HARD to whittle things down.  It is tough to remove some images, but you have to.  
The other tip mentioned?  Have a theme or specific style.  I have heard both sides of this.  And both sides seem to have a valid argument.
Some successful photogs use a general portfolio, but keep the images and themes somewhat focused.  Like they wouldn’t have automobile shots, them wedding shots, then photojournalism shots.  
Other photogs say to be very defined and only show one type of photography.  If you want to shoot weddings, don’t waste the viewers time showing Senior Portraits.  You need to look like the best at weddings, not the best at weddings and other things.  
Several photogs have a general portfolio that can be pulled out when ASKED for it, but initially show a very specific portfolio.  I will eventually have this system set up, but not at the moment.  My portfolio is focused, but is still a general portfolio.  Maybe it is a bit too general, come to think of it.  I always second-guess myself.  
I’ll show it off when I’m done and you can be the judge. Anyway, read the link and take the info to heart.  you MUST edit your work down and not let personal feelings about a picture get in the way of work…

Want to talk shop?

If you are serious about photography and live in Texas, this seems to be a great place to hang out:  

I just joined, so I can’t give a ton of details… but, it seems to be filled with good info and good people.


I am testing my new blog.  It seems to work, so look out…  here I come!!!!!