So, I finally had a chance to read through some of my magazines this last week, while I was sick. I’ve let some of my favorite publications pile up over the last few weeks, because I’ve been so busy with photo shoots. I guess that’s the only good thing about being so sick that you can barely move… there’s finally some time to sit and read, watch those movies that have piled up on the DVR, and catch up on sleep.
So, after clearing through a few shows on my DVR, I picked up my April issue of
PDN (I KNOW you subscribe to PDN, right? If you are or plan to be a pro photog, you NEED to be reading PDN), and I started thumbing through it. I came across a section on pages 74 and 75 about some cool, new print ad campaigns and one caught my eye.
It had a real retro feel to it, and was beautifully done. I couldn’t help but stare at it – it looked cool. Then I read the details next to it, and I realized it was done right here in Dallas at
The Richards Group! It’s nice that the home team is getting a little love for such a worthy effort. Kerstin Fredrickson was listed as the Art Buyer on the project. She’s the same person I recently showed my portfolio to, and she seemed super-nice when I talked with her. I’m so glad that someone as nice as her is getting some recognition for her efforts.
I’ve never met the photog before, but a peek at his website lets you know he’s top notch: I think his travel and fashion images are much better than his portrait stuff. However, everything on his website seems very good. I can see why someone would hire him for a fashion-related campaign…
Anyway, it was just nice to see some positive press about something created here in Dallas. So many publications favor New York and LA, so any kudos thrown our way is a good thing. Here’s a copy the feature of