Trey and Danny invade my space…

Fans of Dallas music already know who Danny Balis and Trey Johnson are. I was recently asked to shoot them for the current issue of Quick, and a video crew tagged along to capture this:

Mark Seliger on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon…

You obviously know who Mark Seliger is, because you are – like him – a Texan who loves photography (if you don’t know who he is, take this moment to slap your hands with a wooden ruler and then Google his name… you should be embarrassed, by the way).  

In case you missed it, like I almost did (I just happened to be flipping through the channels, when i noticed his name pop up), you can still see Mark’s segment/interview/photo shoot online.  One of these links should work:  

The first single is out…

I’m not really sure how you put something like this on your resume…  I did all the photography for the band’s upcoming album, singles, press kit, etc.  Of course, the first single off the new album has to involve a giant costume of… well, just click the link to see what I’m talking about (warning: it is a PG-13 style video/song)  

That’s Rough…

As a Dallas photographer, you may already be aware of the DSVC. However, you might not be aware of their publication: Rough Magazine

They have a pretty cool collection of Rough’s various covers on display here:
I always like viewing stuff like this, especially when it reaches back several years. It usually helps inspire me to create new photos, new designs, new art. Sometimes, when I’m wanting to get inspired for a band/album shoot, I’ll dig through all the old Rolling Stone covers or flip through some of the many books I have on interesting album covers. It’s good to look at what’s been done before. It can be a great springboard, helping to create something new.

Superficial, or just super?!?

I had to post this link:

It’s a link to my friend’s blog. Her name is Allison, and she takes great pictures. If you don’t know her, you obviously don’t know much about Dallas photography. Seriously. She is one of THE names people know in town. Don’t believe me? Go to any photo gallery or trade-related event… any place that other people in the photo and art industry would hang. Ask if they know who Allison V. Smith is, and wait for the “duh” look they give you for asking such an obvious question.
Anyway, you might want to jump on her bandwagon. She is cool. And her blog posts are always fun to read.

A portrait…


I think this is some sort of Cicada, like a locust.  Whatever it is, I find it fascinating.  I would like to photograph a living specimen at some point, but there is something interesting about this image, as well.  I took it on July 1, 2009…  I might eventually do a whole series of insect portraits.  I know it’s been done several times before – by some really amazing photographers – but, I would hope that my portraits might bring a new viewpoint to the subject?

Keep your W-9 handy…

As a freelance photographer, you will be asked for a W-9 to be filled out and faxed or emailed over.  I get that ALL the time.  Not only from new clients, but also from regular clients who are updating their records.  Just store this PDF right on your computer’s desktop and you’ll be ready to print it, fill it in, and fax/email it at a moment’s notice:  

Why do you need to submit a w-9 in the first place?  In real simple terms, if a client hires you to do work, the government wants to keep track of that money.  They want to tax you on it, so they get their fair share.  The w-9 allows your client to send you a piece of paper that comes in real handy around tax time, called a 1099.  Nothing too fancy, just a statement of what you were paid throughout the year.  This gives you a better explanation:  

The new frugality in cover shots…

I’m sure that, as a pro or aspiring photog, you’ve already seen this story about the $30 Time Magazine cover photo.  There’s been a LOT of talk about it already, so I’m not going to beat a dead horse.  Instead, I’m going to point out this blog at PBN&F regarding the issue.  They have a real thought-provoking viewpoint, and many of the follow-up comments made by readers are worth scanning (though, some posts are moronic).  

Are they really precious?!?

I’m not sure that even my photography skills can make these things look “precious” in the least bit. We had to sell these as part of an estate sale (my wife’s grandmother), and I was enlisted to do the photos. But really, is there any possible way to make these things look interesting?!? Who buys these things, besides my wife’s grandmother?