My Profoto batteries…

The batteries on my Profoto Acute B 600r packs are finally starting to show their age. I’ve had the packs since the middle of 2007 and I shoot with them all the time. It’s now the middle of 2010, so that’s not too bad, I think. Three years on those little batteries… Now, I need to find a cheap replacement. I’ll keep you posted!

Speaking of Profoto, they are sponsoring an ASMP event here in Dallas on June 16th at Bolt Studios that should be a total blast! From 6-9pm with free drinks and food, too. Here are the details:

Michael Jordan’s Obituary…

I photographed Michael Jordan – the CEO of EDS, not the basketball player – some years ago for eWeek Magazine. I had photographed countless people, celebrities and heads of companies before. However, this is the first time I had done a portrait of the CEO of a multi-billion dollar international company. I’ve shot many other Fortune 500 CEO’s since then, but I still remember this one.

I remember he seemed very busy and stressed, as any person at his career level would be. In the thirty minutes I had with him, he seemed very polite and nice. He seemed very committed to his company and employees. But, man… I remember leaving that shoot and feeling glad that I wasn’t a CEO. It looked like a job that was just too stressful for me to handle.
Anyway, I was kind of sad to see this in the paper today:
Sure, I didn’t really know him. Thirty minutes is hardly enough time to remember a person at all. But still, it’s sad to know that someone I met, someone I looked at through the lens on my Hasselblad and captured on film is no longer here.

This never gets old…

Though I’ve seen this a million different times, in a million different publications over the last thirteen or fourteen years, it still never gets old. After all, what artist wouldn’t want to see his work published?!? And, who can complain about having their name listed next to some of North Texas’ best shooters, like Allison V. Smith, Mei-Chun Jau and Evans Caglage?

Art show, anyone?!?

I received an email about this one from one of the sponsors in their weekly e-blast. Maybe you should enter:

And, PDN always has a contest going on. Outdoor/landscape shooters might want to enter this one (deadline is May 10th, so hurry):
Pictures of the Year International has a program/competition set up for emerging photographers to receive up to $10k in assistance:

Also, for members of the Dallas members of ASMP, there will be a juried art show in September 2010. Entries will be accepted, starting in June. More info here: