I know I haven’t posted an update in forever, but there are two reasons… One, I have been totally slammed with photo shoots. That’s a good thing, because it means a ton of money has been coming in to make up for such a lackluster January and average February. Two, I need to move from Blogger to WordPress, since Blogger is discontinuing their FTP service. I don’t want to do a bunch of posts that potentially could get lost in the move.
Taylor Swift’s lovely locks…
When I was shooting the Taylor Swift concert last night here in Dallas, I noticed something… As Taylor swung and danced and shook, she had a few stray hairs fly off her head and down to the stage floor. One slowly floated down into a girl’s hand at the edge of the stage. She held her hand out and watched it slowly land, like she was waiting for a snowflake to fall on a calm winter day.
Really, Rolling Stone? Really?!?
Judge Joe is the man!!!
Don’t charge to shoot a wedding if you don’t even know how to use your camera…
Ebby rocks…
Canon TS-E 90mm…
Who would’ve thought you can do so much with the Canon TS-E 90mm lens? I’ve been wanting the 24mm for a long time, but haven’t yet bit the bullet on it. After seeing Jeff Dow’s work with the 90, I can’t stop thinking about the possibilities… I could do so much more with it than I thought I could. Look here: