1am in Dallas…
More Fashion…
Repairing old cameras…
Here’s a great blog from a guy who repairs old large format view cameras:
My recent DMN work…
Shooting 4×5 film…
Another area photographer suggested that I check out Ted.com for some of the interesting lectures by award-winning photographers. The website is not just about photography, but there are a handful of photogs on there worth checking out:
Dreaming of Judi Dench…
I sometimes have very strange dreams, and last night was one of them. I had a dream that I was supposed to photograph Judi Dench for The Dallas Morning News. I often dream about photo-related themes, but nothing quite like the odd turn of events that took place in this dream. I think that Judi was part of my dream, because the wife and I often let the boys watch old episodes of The Muppet Show. I think she was the guest star on one of them.