There is an old saying that goes “the clothes make the man.” Well, if that’s the case, the accessories make the woman. Look at the two pictures and notice there are only two things obviously different.

If you notice, for one, the subject has a more pleasing three quarter angle for her face. The more straight-on face shot is not usually the best way to photograph someone for a portrait. Now, I’m sure some people will point out this is a main reason why the second photograph looks more pleasing. Well, this is one reason, but not the ONLY reason.
Without the other main difference – accessories – the second image would still feel a little flat. Thanks to a headband, bracelet and necklace, the second shot feels a bit more lively and fun. As you can see, it doesn’t take much effort to make a difference.
So, consider accessorizing on your next shoot. It may help give that little extra energy you were looking for. And if you are terrible at accessorizing, consider hiring a professional stylist. Junior stylists or stylists in training can be found for a reasonable price and are much better than no stylist at all. They will handle any wardrobe issues, accessories, and minor hair/make-up adjustments.