Not really a photo-related website, but still a great blog on PR, networking and business-related tips:
Gordon Keith as the Grinch…
Pricing Your Photography…
Because some people can say it better than I can, I’ll just redirect to to their super posts on the what, why and how of pricing your services…
Sometimes Stock Sucks…
I just checked my current sales log to see what images I’ve sold through a stock agency. My most recent sale was a photo of ZZ Top… for $6.10, of which I get 60% of the sale. Yup, I made $3.66 from the sale?!? I need to find out the where/when/who/why of the sale, because that is terrible.
The Magaziner?!?
Local photo editor and layout pro Alex Flores turned me on to an interesting blog:
The Stoneleigh Hotel…
This Takes Guts…
Would you keep shooting, even after you were injured? He did…
Another Photo Invoice Primer…
A little Christmas Action…
If you’re in the holiday spirit, I figured you might enjoy seeing the current cover of Quick with ESPN radio hosts Ben and Skin. and watch the video to see some behind-the-scenes footage of the shoot!