My recent DMN work…

I thought I’d share a few tear sheets from recent shoots I did that ran in the Dallas Morning News. It’s a variety of subjects, including some Toadies, Trey Songz, community dance, American Idol winners in concert and children painting…

Shooting 4×5 film…

I’m enjoying shooting some film again. The 4×5 film looks great, too. I can’t wait until I have my 11×14 film camera up and running! Large format film photography is fun…


Another area photographer suggested that I check out for some of the interesting lectures by award-winning photographers. The website is not just about photography, but there are a handful of photogs on there worth checking out:

Dreaming of Judi Dench…

I sometimes have very strange dreams, and last night was one of them. I had a dream that I was supposed to photograph Judi Dench for The Dallas Morning News. I often dream about photo-related themes, but nothing quite like the odd turn of events that took place in this dream. I think that Judi was part of my dream, because the wife and I often let the boys watch old episodes of The Muppet Show. I think she was the guest star on one of them.

I’m not going to go into detail about it, because it would take me forever to type out all the crazy events (and this blog is supposed to be about my REAL photo assignments). But, let me tell you, it was a long, odd evening of events – not unlike some of my real photo shoots!

Dreaming about Photography…

I must be obsessed with photography, because I even dream about it. Not every single night, but yes… I regularly have dreams about shoots that I just finished or that I’m about to do. I guess I eat, sleep and breathe photography.

For Fans of Lady Gaga…

In case you missed the review in The Dallas Morning News, here is a clipping from Saturday’s review…

But, that’s not the only place you’ll see my images from the frantic night of Gaga pics. You can also track down a copy of the Fort Worth Star Telegram’s Saturday edition, and you’ll see even more in a Quick blog post here:
Besides all that, I think Quick will be running more Gaga content in next Thursday’s issue. That may sound like enough Gaga right there, but wait… there’s more! Gosh, I sound like one of those infomercials. I also shot Lady Gaga assignments for the DMN’s guide fashion section and blog, as well as Dallas’ best fashion monthly, FD Luxe.
With all the pre-party pics, concert mayhem and post party images, I should have a million Gaga-related photos floating around DFW over the next week. It was a wild night, a long night, a very strange night and an extremely exhausting night of photo fun. Even with all the drama I had to deal with (you don’t want to know), I’m still glad I got it all done!