The Mod Life…

The Sixties are alive! I had to do a shoot about a group that lives the mod lifestyle – 1960’s music, european scooters, martini’s, go-go boots, etc… They were a lot of fun!

Phone Calls…

I just spent a few hours of my Saturday calling members of the ASMP Dallas chapter to remind them about our upcoming events. Evening when I’m not working, I’m still working. I’m going to take a break before I start my evening shoots. I want to spend some time playing with the boys and wife. Life as a photographer really is 24/7 if you want to be successful…

It’s a Lady Gaga Day!!!

Geez… this week started out a little slow, but today has more than made up for it! I will be having a Lady Gaga day that will be slam-packed with shoots. In total, I will have four different shoots to do at the Lady Gaga concert tonight: two pre-concert events, shooting her performing during the show, then shooting her post-show after party. How can I can complain about turning one night into four separate paychecks?!? I’m going to be one busy little shooter tonight! Thanks, Gaga!!!

Crazy Babies…

When I’m not shooting, this is what I usually have to deal with…

It can be a handful, but at least it makes the office days a little more fun!

New Science Projects…

I shot this cover story last year, but I don’t think I ever shared any out takes from it. It was such a crazy night of shooting, that I thought it would make for a fun blog post. Dale Jones performs under the name New Science Projects around North Texas. It is part old school blues and part wild performance art… quite an interesting experience! He came over to the studio for this cover shoot, one I will probably never forget!


While digging through recent photo folders on the computer, I ran across this shoot from the middle of May. The band is called Florene, and the duo is from Denton. The pics were for a story that ran in Quick sometime around the end of May, if I remember correctly. The pics looks great in print. I forget which ones ran and which were the out takes, but these were a few that caught my eye tonight…

Talk About Large Format Photography?!?

I used to shoot with my 4×5 Cambo Legend on a regular basis. Some of my clients had needs that required its use. Then digital took over. I haven’t shot with it since 2005 or so… but, guess what? I’m breaking the large format camera out of storage and plan to use it again. Why? Because there’s something about giant pieces of film that help unshackle the artist inside me. But, that’s not all… I’m also going much, much bigger!

I just picked up an old 12×18 process camera for only $40 from a print shop that hasn’t used it in years. My plan is to get it set up to take 11×14 film and do some head and shoulder portraits. I’ve made a lot of connections over the years, and I was thinking about doing a project that took advantage of all the people I’ve met and know. I was thinking about shooting what I will call “Faces of North Texas”. It will focus on interesting, notable, famous and/or special people in the Dallas, Fort Worth and Denton area. All of it shot on 11×14 film! Wowzers!!!
We’ll see how long it takes me to get this project up and running, but it should be a blast when I do. I can’t wait to start shooting through film that costs $15 to $20 per frame (and that doesn’t even include processing and shipping fees)! Am I crazy?!? Yes.

Contra vs. Kennis…

The story is interesting to read from a photographer’s point of view, but what really caught my eye were the insane comments left by other readers. It goes to show that the average person really doesn’t get the idea of copyright. Many readers complained that Kennis is probably greedy and has no right to sue, and that she should be grateful the band wanted to use her picture. Many also believe that a found picture (or a picture bought in a thrift shop bin) is free game to use commercially. Enlightening the general public about copyright is definitely an uphill battle!
It sounds like Vampire Weekend isn’t to blame, though. It sounds like this will come down to a battle between the photographer and Kennis. I am interested to see how it plays out…