This never gets old…
Art show, anyone?!?
A nature post…
Iphone pics for clients…
While I’m waiting for my IT guy to move my blog to WordPress (so I can keep uploading it directly to my website, instead of this stupid blogger link), I thought I’d do one more post. This is something that’s happening with more frequency, so it’s kind of important to the professional photographer. What is it? It’s iphone (or smartphone for the other brands of cellphones out there) pictures for your clients.
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Sorry for the absence…
I know I haven’t posted an update in forever, but there are two reasons… One, I have been totally slammed with photo shoots. That’s a good thing, because it means a ton of money has been coming in to make up for such a lackluster January and average February. Two, I need to move from Blogger to WordPress, since Blogger is discontinuing their FTP service. I don’t want to do a bunch of posts that potentially could get lost in the move.
Taylor Swift’s lovely locks…
When I was shooting the Taylor Swift concert last night here in Dallas, I noticed something… As Taylor swung and danced and shook, she had a few stray hairs fly off her head and down to the stage floor. One slowly floated down into a girl’s hand at the edge of the stage. She held her hand out and watched it slowly land, like she was waiting for a snowflake to fall on a calm winter day.
Really, Rolling Stone? Really?!?
Judge Joe is the man!!!
Don’t charge to shoot a wedding if you don’t even know how to use your camera…