When you aren’t holding your SLR or medium format camera in your hand, do you have a backup camera nearby? When I am not working, sometimes I head out on errands or personal trips without a camera. Because of this, I wind up missing some shots that I would love to have. Sure, I have the iPhone camera, but that won’t do much better than snapping a nice pic for my facebook page or the family blog. I don’t carry the family point and shoot with me, because (even though it takes nice snapshot style pics) it just doesn’t have the quality that my Canon 5DmkII does.
Well, a lot of pro photogs I know like to carry the Canon Powershot G11 with them at all times. It is as close to a “real” camera that you can get, with the exception of a couple Leica pocket cameras on the market for insane prices… The G11 offers RAW shooting, great color depth and a very respectable 10 megapixel sensor. Sure, it’s just a little too big to fit in a shirt pocket, but a purse, fanny pack or cargo pants pocket wouldn’t mind holding this little gem.
So, do you carry a camera everywhere? If so, what model do you carry with you?