Phone Calls…

I just spent a few hours of my Saturday calling members of the ASMP Dallas chapter to remind them about our upcoming events. Evening when I’m not working, I’m still working. I’m going to take a break before I start my evening shoots. I want to spend some time playing with the boys and wife. Life as a photographer really is 24/7 if you want to be successful…

Video from the ASMP event…

Thanks to Profoto USA and Bolt Productions in Dallas, TX, I had a great time taking photos and capturing some video of the ASMP and IABC networking event and live photo shoot demo night. You can see some video of the evening right here:

Women in photography, this Thursday…

You should really attend this event:

ASMP North Texas Women in Photography:

At The Women’s Museum Dallas Fair Park

Featured Speakers:

JEAN ANN BYBEE, commercial
CHERYL DIAZ MEYER, photojournalism
ALLISON V SMITH, editorial

When: Thursday February 4 (6pm social, 7pm presentation).
Where: The Women’s Museum 3800 Parry Avenue Dallas, TX 75226 214.915.0860

Members and non-members are welcome.

Admission is free for ASMP members and $10 for non-members. $5 for students. Cash or check only.