BJ and Lester…

This post may not mean anything to most of you. You pretty much had to grow up in the Dallas area during the 1980’s, like I did. During school days on channel 39, which used to be a much different television station than it is today, there was a children’s show called The Cartoon Clubhouse With B.J. and Lester. I watched it all the time. It was a great show for kids, back before children had twenty different cable channels all devoted to their viewing pleasure.

Well, fast forward to my adult life, shooting anything and everything performance and art related in town for newspapers and magazines. My job took me to all the best concerts, musicals and plays. A few years back – maybe in 2004 or 2005 if my memory isn’t failing me – I walk into a local musical to shoot the rehearsal for the Dallas Morning News and I see a face that is so familiar. Suddenly it hits me. It’s B.J. from B.J. and Lester!!!
Well, I shot another play review this week and B.J. was in it. It’s funny how I still associate him with this children’s show, even though it was something like 25 years ago. It’s also funny how it still affects me so many years later. Seeing him had me feeling like a kid again, and I left the shoot smiling. Now, if I could only meet Mr. Peppermint and Muffin!