I used to shoot concerts ALL the time. For the last ten to fifteen years, it would probably average out to be a couple, maybe a few, every single week. I saw a LOT of shows! Of course, I eventually started doing more editorial features and lifestyle photography. I started getting magazine cover shoots and corporate work. I shot more band promo material and album covers. It all takes away from the amount of time you can focus on live shows. In the last couple years, I probably only shot a couple shows a month.
This last month feels like the good old days again. I’ve shot plenty of concerts and have another live show lined up for tomorrow night. Sure, covering a concert for a newspaper doesn’t pay as well as a magazine feature, and it definitely doesn’t compare to some of the corporate and commercial work I’ve done. However, it just feels good to be back in the photo pit with fans screaming behind me and rock stars jamming in front of me.
Here are some clippings/tear sheets from the last week or two, showing some of the concerts I’ve enjoyed shooting – including Green Day, Jonas Brothers, Creed and Anthony Hamilton. Of course, if you subscribe to the wonderful
Dallas Morning News, you’ve probably already seen them…