Photographing Dallas Nightlife…

I’ve been photographing Dallas nightlife for a long time now. I probably took my first photograph in a bar back in 1996 or so, shooting some local bands. My nightlife documentation has grown to covering bars, bands, nightclubs, drunks, parties, bartenders, street life and almost anything else that happens late at night.
Even though I’m getting closer and closer to twenty years of nightlife photography, I still never get tired of it! I have documented Dallas nightlife and seen my photos run in The Dallas Morning News, Spin, Quick, American Profile, Rolling Stone and countless other publications and places over the years, and I can’t wait to go out and shoot again and again! Heck, with crazy, wild, happy, fun people in front of my camera, how could I resist?

If you like these photos, you should check out my other photography.

More Piano Bar Photos…

Some of you may remember me talking about my sudden onslaught of Piano Bar photo assignments that came from my clients several weeks back. Well, here is another piano bar story in print, this time in the fabulous D Magazine. As fun as the piano bar shoots were, I think I’ve had my fill of those places for a while. Well… I say that now, but you know I’d jump on another piano bar photo shoot in a heart beat, if someone called me up. I’m just a photo shoot junkie, I guess.

Check out more of my work here.