The Best? Really?!?

Spin put up a slideshow online of what they consider to be the 25 best live concert photos of 2011:
Really?!? Of all the thousands of images you have access to, these are your top 25 shots? Let me break it down for you, because they aren’t all bad. I see about five really awesome photos, ten really nice images and another ten that wouldn’t even make my top one hundred list… maybe not even my top one thousand! Maybe I missed the disclaimer that said “This list was compiled by our intern“.

Some Old Spoon…

As long as I’m doing some digital house cleaning and organizing, I thought I’d share some other random photographs, as I find them. This is a shot from a very special moment in my career. I was hired by Spin Magazine to hang out in Spoon’s Austin studio for a couple hours and shoot the band as they recorded the album Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga.
Since Spoon has been one of my favorite bands for a long time, of course I was more than happy to take the gig. It was like my own private concert! How can you beat the chance to hang out with some of your favorite musicians… and get paid for it?!?