A magazine, a nice guy and me…

I don’t think I ever shared this pic with you. I shot it for D CEO Magazine a few months back. The photo is of Gil Stricklin, a real nice guy. His ministry helps people all across the country and other parts of the world. I actually shot him and his wife once before, years ago. I was doing a shoot for one of my corporate clients – Pilgrim’s Pride – at the time. Anyway, I really enjoyed my time with Gil, and I think I came back with nice image.

Event photography isn’t easy?!?

Event photography may look easy, like anyone with a point and shoot can capture spontaneous moments and classic candids. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way in real life. Most clients hire me after they try to shoot an event themselves (or hire some college intern to do it), then end up with sub-standard images to put on their website, in their powerpoint presentation, to give their sponsors, etc…
A good event photographer may be pricey, but it’s well worth it in the long run. Take this recent holiday event I shot. The sponsors were major alcohol and beverage companies, and they needed images of the event. They needed detail images and shots of people having fun. These events are usually a madhouse to photograph, and require someone with experience… Someone who can turn that potential madhouse into photos of a wild, fun party:

Chicken Fried Steak?!?

This year hasn’t been the best year ever. It was tough for everyone. However, there were plenty of shining moments… Sometimes, I just have to sit back and consider myself lucky. I’m doing what I want to do in life – and I’m making money at it. I’m not stuck in a cubicle. I’m doing what I always thought I would be doing. It was a tough year, but it was still good.

The perfect example? Right here:
Isn’t it just cool that I get paid a lot of money to go take a photo of a chicken fried steak?!? That just doesn’t happen every day. I’m lucky to have clients like D Magazine. I pay my bills with my camera, getting to see and do all sorts of fun things.
OK, so a chicken fried steak photo may not be as cool as some of the album covers or rock concerts that I’ve shot, but it was still fun to me! And, it is a whole lot better than getting minimum wage to cook the chicken fried steak!!!