A Year of Magazine Cover Photos…

I’ve been lucky enough to get a lot of cover shoots for various publications lately. One of my favorites is Quick, the weekly nightlife and entertainment publication owned by the same people who own The Dallas Morning News. I’m sure it’s no surprise that I’m proud of my Quick covers, because I’m always posting about them here!
I had so many fun cover photos this year, I thought I might just do a full year-in-review of sorts. I think this is every 2010 cover, though I may have missed one or two on accident. Enjoy looking at this year’s cover shoots and let’s look forward to a great 2011!!!

Weatherford, TX…

I was shooting in Weatherford, TX on Saturday. Kind of a neat little town, not too far away from Fort Worth. I’d like to check it out a little more. There seemed to be a lot of old buildings, signs and odd things worth shooting.