So, Billboard has teamed up with PDN again. They are doing another photo contest. I guess the first one was enough of a success?!? You can find more info about it here:
As usual, there are a few great shots (you can see some of the recent entries on the website), a few average shots, and a lot of bad/blah shots. I contemplated entering last year, going back and forth, but never did. Maybe I will this time… or maybe I won’t. Who knows?
They have a page up with last year’s winners, incase you missed it in a recent PDN issue (you DO subscribe to PDN, don’t you?). As you can see, even the winning images are mostly just OK, but there ARE a few really great shots in there, too:
By the way, if you plan to submit any images and want some advice before you do, let me know. I’d be glad to look over your work and give some pointers. At $20 to $55 per submission (depending on your category), you may want to get a second opinion and save a few bucks, uploading only your best stuff.