Car or Camera?

Seriously… for $13k in cash, you could get a halfway decent automobile.  It might be a few years old, or it might be a very basic, economy car.  Either way, you could still pick up a very reliable and very nice car for that kind of money.  

Your other option?  This:  
The image above was taken from this Hasselblad promotion:  
Now, if I could, I’d be dropping the wheelbarrow full of bills off at the local camera store today.  I’d love to have a medium format digital at home!  You can rent them for shoots, but you’ll pay for it in a couple dozen rentals.  If you have the need for one a bunch, buying it just seems more logical.  I, however, don’t have a NEED for one… just a WANT for one.  A burning desire for one.  So, for now it will remain on my wish list.