Marketing on the web…

OK, this link is not really about photography, but it IS about marketing.  As a photographer, you are a business.  As a business, you need to market yourself.  And (to bring this thought process on home), many businesses thing that slapping together a website, putting up a myspace/facebook page, and starting to twitter will bring in the customers.  Right?  Not necessarily…  Read the link to see the reality of twittering as your company’s golden goose:  

You see, you can’t just jump on the myspace bandwagon and expect people to flock to you.  But there’s hope.  The story points out that the internet CAN be used to your advantage.  Look at their example of Google.  It started in a dorm room and went on to become an essential part of our virtual social fabric.  
I guess to sum it up, you can use the internet in a big way, but don’t think it merely takes tossing up a website or a profile on a social network.