Multimedia Journalists take note…

This is a good little article to read if you want to know where the money is:

Newspapers and traditional media are scaling back, and in some cases, closing up shop all together. This article gives a good perspective on other avenues where a multimedia journalist (photog, writer, blogger, videographer, etc… all wrapper up in one) can go to continue his/her trade. I read the story in print, in the current issue of PDN earlier this month. However, I thought the online version was worth linking to, after reading David Leeson’s comments regarding the story:

An informative article by PDN writer David Walker about life after newspapers. I loved my life as a newspaper photojournalist. I experienced a privileged life, where wealth was not measured by a bank account but rather in the diverse riches of human experience.

I am not a daily newspaper photographer anymore but the good news for me is that I have been able to remain a photojournalist. My camera is capable of recording motion and sound with video.

For me, and many others, a new era of photojournalism is before us. There is no equal to the power of the still image but it is equally beautiful to produce “images” that move and speak.