Talk about DIY Flash Diffuser?!?

I ran into this guy at a nightclub last night and noticed his DIY diffuser for his flash. I could tell right away that it was homemade, but I had to go up to him and take a closer look. I love DIY projects!

As you can see, it is basically a clear, plastic, take-out container stuffed with something fluffy – maybe pillow stuffing? He said it cost him about a buck to make. I asked how well it worked and he showed me a pic on the back of his screen. The light was very diffused and even. The image had a little bit of an odd color cast to it, but I’m not sure how much of it was related to the diffuser – there are several factors in a nightclub that can affect your image color balance!
Overall, this would be a great flash diffusion trick in a pinch… assuming you could find a take-out container and an old pillow nearby. I’m not sure that I’d want to walk into a high-paying event with that thing on my camera, but still… it was a great DIY to stumble upon!

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