The ultimate “cheap” ring light case…

As promised, I have revealed my suggestion for a good, secure and reasonably priced travel case for your ring flash. It is no surprise that my google analytics shows “ring flash case” and “ring light case” has been a high search topic. The first thing I wondered after buying my Profoto ring light was “how the heck do I store and travel with this thing?”

Well, I didn’t see any cases sold by reputable companies specifically designed for any ring light. I didn’t see any blogs or forum posts that suggested anything other than a Pelican case with a custom insert. I had already blown around six grand on lighting and wanted to keep any further purchases to a minimum. Then I had an idea…
A drum case!!! I’ve worked with musicians a ton, and saw their sturdy travel cases, designed to carry round objects (cymbals, snares, etc) safely. They came in all different sizes, so maybe one might fit the ring flash and its cable? So, I went to Guitar Center, one of the biggest music stores in town. I found this in their percussion section for $50 or $60:
The case is made my SBK, a company that I trust. I’ve purchased their hard sided golf club case and their guitar case before, and they were both tough as nails. I forget the exact size of this awesome little drum case, but you can do like me and take your light into the store to test fit it.
The following two pics will give you an idea of how the ring flash head fits inside the case…
The case is soft and padded on the inside, and the lid is secured tight. If you were really worried about your light (and who wouldn’t be? These little Profoto heads aren’t cheap!), you could also stuff a small pillow or towel in the case to keep it from moving at all. As it is, that light fits snug, so I feel confident.
There you have it. My little secret for the best ring light case you can find, without having to break the bank!