Vibe is no more…

Want to shoot for one of the nation’s premier magazines for Rap and Hip Hop? Forget about it. Vibe is apparently shutting down:

And let’s not even discuss the newspaper industry. USA Today is supposedly cutting more jobs this month. The Tribune Company, the parent company of The Star Tribune, is now officially bankrupt. The company that owns the Philadelphia Inquirer is bankrupt. As a matter of fact, a whole string of newspapers are shutting down or scaling way back. I just gave up on reporting it, because there were just too many every month.
This doesn’t mean there isn’t any newspaper or magazine work out there. Last month I shot a few thousand dollars worth of print publication assignments. And I’m only hired by a handful of publications. Considering there are thousands of newspapers and magazines around the world, there is still a decent living to be made as a freelance photojournalist and editorial shooter.
Plus, you don’t have to be strictly a newspaper or magazine shooter. I supplement my monthly income with a wedding every month, corporate/event shooting, and other misc photo gigs (like music album covers, bridal shoots, etc). If you diversify like that, you’ll make sure to stay afloat and pay all your bills.