Nightlife shooting is not easy…

Think it is all just fun and parties when I go out and shoot nightlife stories? It is fun and rewarding, but it is not a party when I’m on the clock, and it is not always easy. Just like any other shoot, there are a lot of variables that can go wrong…

I’m at a new club every weekend, shooting it for a story/feature/review and I need to get good action images. Things that show what the place might look like to any of the readers, if they decided to go. However, sometimes bar owners and managers have their own agenda. They try to steer me towards certain areas of the club, even if that’s not what the writer is focusing on. Sometimes they are worried about a bad review and can be uncooperative – forcing me to spend thirty extra minutes just getting permission to shoot inside. Sometimes, the bar owner is a media hog and tries to get in EVERY photo, making it hard to get the shots I need.
But that’s not the only issue. Because so many factors effect the nightclubs, some have been open and running when the story was assigned, only to close down for good on the day before or day of my shoot. That happened this last weekend and the writer called me to scramble for a back-up club to visit. Then, at the back-up club, the owner was hesitant to let us in for a review and photo shoot, so it took twice as long to complete.
Of course, there is always the safety factor. I’m carrying around expensive equipment around drunk people, on dark streets, late at night. Drunks could easily bump into you or fall on you and break something expensive – like a flash or lens.
And theft… I’m lucky, but I know people who have lost all their photo gear when someone broke into their car right before or after a shoot. I know several bar managers and musicians who have been mugged late at night. Makes the job a little more scary than fun.
Then of course, there is the problem of getting correct names to go in the cutline. The cutline, the info right under the picture, usually has the person’s name, like “Mr. So and So dances at X Club in Dallas, TX, on Saturday, blah, blah, blah.” Well, drunk people in loud clubs are not the best people to get properly spelled, accurate identification from. Some slur their words, some try to give fake names, and some are so drunk they can’t remember their name.
And let’s not forget this:
There are ALWAY drunk people who grab at you, stop you and yell, “Hey! Camera guy! Take MY picture!!!” The images are often very funny and/or embarrassing, but not what I came for. They just slow me down, but what can you do?!? I can’t just tell them to get lost. It causes less trouble If I just take the picture and smile.
I’m not complaining or whining. I like shooting nightlife. I’m just letting you know there are a lot of things to deal with when I go out. It’s not all champagne and caviar as I randomly point my camera and pop my flash. Nope, I’m out there working… and enjoying the feeling of capturing such a vibrant part of society on film (well, virtual film).

Round three: Marilyn Manson vs Jason Janik…

Yet another audience-made video of the Mayhem Fest concert in Dallas, TX. This one was made during Marilyn Manson’s set. You can clearly see me at 1:40 as I change some settings on my camera. You can’t see the point in which I get a little of his spit on me (yes, it was gross), but you can see me here and there throughout the video… looking like a nerdy photographer:

Round Two: Slayer vs Jason Janik…

While updating some stuff on youtube, I noticed some other Slayer videos online from the same concert I shot. These were shot from the front of the audience, so you can actually see the photo pit. I can be briefly spotted in them, if you look close enough…

Video at my studio…

I forget if I linked to this a few weeks ago, but I don’t think I did. If you’ve already seen this one… sorry. If not… enjoy! It is a video that Cindy Chaffin did for Quick, with Hunter Hauk. They interviewed Danny Balis and Trey Johnson about their respective upcoming albums, then i took pics for the cover and feature story.

You can see a bit of me in action, spread throughout the interview. Little snippets here and there. And if you like Texas music, you’ll enjoy listening to Danny and Trey talk about their music.

Burger surprise…

It was kind of funny getting this door hanger on the front door of my house the other week. I pulled it off the handle of my front door to see what kind of deals were being offered me, and I spotted a hamburger. My hamburger. Well, not mine, as in one that I cooked or ate. No, it was my photo. See it below:

OK, so it’s not a photograph that will wind up in the MOMA or The Louvre. However, it was still fun/funny to see it hanging on my front door. And by the way, the food at 1st & 10 looked and smelled amazing! I plan on going sometime soon to see just how great it tastes… maybe I’ll even take my coupon in there!

About half a second of backside…

Sometimes stories are held for a while… a long while.  A few months back, I was assigned to do a video story for on some storm sewer spelunkers.  While I was there, I was surprised/happy to see Randy Grothe on assignment for the DMN.  

My video ran shortly after the assignment, but Randy said they were holding his for a while.  You see, if a story isn’t time-sensitive, publications will occasionally hold onto them.  It helps provide content on slower news days, and makes room for more important breaking news stories.  I’ve done stories for publication that have been held for months before…  
Well, Today’s DMN finally has Randy’s video piece online, with a fun story by contributing writer Page Phelps and photo intern Cody Duty.  Why do I bring up Randy’s video?  First, because Randy is super-cool, and second because you can see my backside for about half a second if you watch really carefully.  I know, not exactly my best and biggest “cameo”, but it still brings back memories of that fun, dirty, slimy day.  
Here’s a link to Randy’s video:  
Here is a link to the one I shot:  
and a follow-up story with some of my photos:  

Carter Albrecht CD release party…

I thought I’d share a few images from the Carter Albrecht CD release party last week…

I might post more, if I get caught back up on real work. I have several shoots to go through on the computer, and a video to edit from this concert. It might be a while…

You deserve a break today…

Guess who I got to meet while shooting for a client this weekend?  The coolest clown around:  

The shoot was pretty early in the morning, so please excuse my less than stellar looks.  However, Ronald McDonald still looks absolutely perfect!  

Sitting on the dock of the bay…

I was at the Chandler’s Landing Yacht Club the other night for a shoot.  While I was waiting, I decided to take this shot:  

For those of you who like to know technical details, it was at about 8:51pm, hand holding my Canon 5D and 16-35mm 2,8L lens.  Other important details…  ISO – 3200, Aperture – 5.0, Shutter speed – 1/4 sec.  
Since I didn’t have a tripod, I had to go for a maxed out ISO.  This means the full-sized image will be pretty grainy, to use an old film term.  It is very sharp, considering that I did it hand held at a quarter of a second.